Our Approach

True wellbeing is holistic – our approach encompasses all the elements that make you feel good and keep you performing at your best. This includes mental health, a positive and proactive mindset, physical fitness, resilience and preparedness for any challenges that lie ahead.

Our Comprehensive Approach
We understand that wellbeing is multifaceted. This is why our services are designed to address every aspect of wellbeing,, ensuring that you, your company, and your staff remain healthy, motivated and impactful.

Tailored Services for Lasting Impact
We offer services for your business that complement mental health, physical fitness, resilience and more. We aim to keep every part of your organisation thriving, leading to future success.

Bespoke Assessment and Planning
Our process begins with a thorough assessment, guided by you as a leader in your business. We will discuss the specific goals you want to achieve and identify areas for improvement within your organisation. From this assessment, we create a straightforward, actionable plan supported by both our online and offline resources, and our network of associate experts.

Transparent and Collaborative Approach
Transparency is key. We ensure that you know exactly what services you are investing in and the associated costs. This clarity allows us to collaborate effectively, ensuring you feel confident and ready to lead a wellbeing transformation in your workplace.

Together, with our dedicated executive support, you will harness a wellbeing approach to foster a healthier, more productive and resilient work environment.

Our Impact

Every business is unique.

That’s why we tailor a Feel-Good Impact plan to fit your specific needs, with a keen focus on enhancing the financial wellbeing of your organisation.

Empowering Leadership Teams
We have collaborated with numerous businesses seeking to sharpen their leadership teams. By combining physical fitness sessions with mentoring and leadership coaching, we ensure that your leaders are prepared and resilient, ready to tackle business challenges head-on.

Holistic Workplace Wellbeing
For businesses mindful of their duty of care, we design effective, company-wide fitness programmes. No matter what industry you are in, improving the physical fitness and mental health of your employees boosts their efficiency and effectiveness. We support you in communicating with staff, fostering their growth, and ensuring they feel good.

Supporting Business Transformation
For startups or businesses undergoing transformation, we provide the mental health support and resilience training necessary for leaders to navigate new paths confidently. We offer executive business support from our experienced strategic associates to help you formulate a robust plan for your future.

Our goal is to empower your organisation, leaders, and employees to achieve their best.

Our Offer

We understand the unique needs of businesses and their leaders. Our comprehensive SO Workplace services are designed to support you, your staff, your workplace and your entire company, ensuring everyone feels good and performs at their best.

Leadership Support
Leading a business in today’s complex environment requires resilience and wellbeing. We offer a variety of services to help you and your leadership team deliver the best possible impact:
Mentoring/Counselling: Our experienced associates, who have a proven track record of leadership success, provide confidential mentoring focused on personal wellbeing. This support ensures that you and your team remain energised and ready to manage your responsibilities effectively.
Personal Training: Physical fitness is key to improving decision-making and managing stress. Our personal training sessions have empowered many business owners to face their day with more energy and greater focus.
Mental Health Wellbeing: Combining physical and mental health, our sessions include meditation, yoga, and Pilates, preparing you and your team for the challenges ahead. These sessions are available in both group and 1-on-1 formats.
Policy Training: We offer training on developing duty-of-care and wellbeing policies, helping you build a supportive environment within your business.

Company-wide Services
Our consultancy services are designed to create maximum impact across your organisation:
ConsultancyOur expert associates cover all your company’s needs, from HR policies to internal communications. We work with you and your leadership team to implement effective strategies that foster a feel-good impact across the entire business. 
Training: SO Workplace offers engaging training sessions and group classes focused on physical fitness and mental health wellbeing. These sessions refresh and energise your employees, helping them approach their day with renewed vitality.
Staffing: For businesses seeking a comprehensive wellbeing approach for all staff, our associates include clinical physicians and internal communications experts with experience in company-wide wellbeing initiatives for organisations of all sizes.

Individual Support for Staff Members
We offer intensive support packages for individual staff members, tailored to their unique needs:
3D Health Club: Our private gym in Central Liverpool is fully equipped with modern equipment, including fitness and yoga suites. It’s a growing community where your staff can connect with peers across the Liverpool City Region.

Personal Training: Our 1-on-1 sessions combine mental health and physical fitness, working with individuals to develop personalised success plans in a private setting, separate from big, commercial gyms.

Our Feel-Good Impact approach has brought significant benefits to businesses both large and small. Join us and discover how we can help your organisation thrive.

Contact us today to arrange a chat about your business.